Jonny Quest Wiki
Jonny Quest Wiki

Elise Lenoir is a succubus/vampire from New Orleans. She could drain the life of others and every fifty years during a lunar eclipse drain the the likeness of a young woman to maintain her youth and immortality. She also had the power to hypnotize others, getting Mrs. Adrian to adopt her and getting a loyal servant called Andrew, who became obsessed with her and was very jealous when she seduced Hadji Singh. While she looks a young and beautiful human woman, this hides her true form, which is a monstrous, giant bat creature.

She planned on transferring the physical traits of Jessie Bannon to herself, but was thwarted by Jonny Quest and Hadji, who had come to his senses, along with an old man named Arnaud, who had also been used fifty years ago and gave up his only sister to Elise. She was believed to have been killed, only to secretly bubble to the surface of the river she had supposedly drowned in.




